Iznenađenje samo za lakovjerne i neupućene – odron u kamenolomu Bijela

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Nedjelja, kamenolom, miniranje, nesreća. Pukom srećom bez ljudskih žrtava!
Materijalna šteta neprocijenjena, ili neprocjenjiva. Ekološka – isto tako. Prirodi trebaju hiljade i milioni godina – a nama da je uništimo treba minut ili dva. Nismo namjerno! Naravno da nismo, ali da li to oslobađa krivice nadležne ?
Šute svi – i vlasnik kamenoloma, i oni koji su mu dali koncesiju na mjestu koje nikad nije moglo biti kamenolom, odmah uz rijeku, i to ne bilo koju. Šute i tužiteljstvo i policija i grad i inspekcija, valjda “u interesu istrage”.
Svi on što šute sada, šute i u vezi sporne dionice koridora Vc koje presijeca Bunu i Bunicu, isto su tu urađena geodetska istraživanja kao i u slučaju kamenoloma – sve je “regularno”.
A kad se “desi” onda će se opet malo šutiti i proš’o voz. Ili autoput, isti ga đavo.
Prije će ipak biti da šute da se jedni drugima ne bi zamjerili jer kad bi klupka počela da se odmotavaju još bi odrona bilo i to podosta i posvuda.
Ali mi biramo da zatvaramo oči, jer tako je najlakše, i najmanje boli, a i nije to odmah ovdje kod mene, nego tamo malo dalje, pa šta onda da se petljam i zamjeram.

Snimak klizišta iz zraka – kliknite ovdje
Trenutak miniranja i pokretanja klizišta – kliknite ovdje

Lokalno stanovništvo nastavlja otpor spornoj trasi koridora Vc

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Od 11-13 Marta tim iz Bankwatch-a je posjetio Mostar i okolna mjesta Kosor, Ortiješ i Malo Polje. Tim se susreo sa više od 25 vlasnika zemljišta iz ovih mjesta, te obišao vinograde u Ortiješu, gradilište koridora Vc u blizini, te obronke Podveleža. Sa lokalnim stanovništvom se diskutovalo o ulaganjima u dolinu te situaciji i statusu sporne trase, kao i rezultatima žalbe EBRD-u.

Za više detalja kliknite ovdje…

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Pismo Johann-u Sattler-u

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Nakon objavljivanja rezultata naše žalbe EBRD-u (o čemu više detalja možete naći u izvještaju Bankwatch-a na ovome linku), Eko Dvogled je poslao pismo gosp. Johannu Sattleru, sa sadržajem u nastavku:

Ambassador Johann Sattler
Head of Delegation
Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Subject : Update on Corridor Vc – IPAM EBRD Newest Report

Your Excellency,

We hope this letter finds you well. We feel obligated to update your office on the status and new
development of Corridor Vc- South Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly as
highlighted in the IPAM EBRD newest report. Our representatives had a chance to meet with Ms.
Di Sandri in Oct, 2023 when we discussed problems about this route choice that has existed
since 2016. The IPAM- EBRD report was completed but still not available for sharing at that time.
Beginning this month the IPAM Compliance Report and EBRD MAP has been published. The
report found that the Bank met only substandard finance requirements on this Project. EBRD
MAP report recommends undertaking a new alternative route alignment analysis with new
disclosure and consultation on the alternatives. This matter is of significant importance as it
reflects European values, encompassing environmental and social protection, vital elements in
the European integration process on which your office has been working for a long time in order
to help Bosnia and Herzegovina join the EU.
The IPAM EBRD report provides valuable insights into the current state and progress of Corridor
Vc, shedding light on its environmental and social impact. As concerned citizens and advocate for
sustainable development, we find it crucial that these aspects align with European standards.
The report, we believe, will play a pivotal role in assessing the adherence to these standards,
fostering transparency, and ensuring the well-being of both the local communities and the
environment. Briefly we are summarizing main points of our concerns that exist from the
beginning and are subject of our complaint to EBRD:

  • Project implementation has not been started and it is still possible and necessary to change the route and expected inevitable harm will not happen and this was recognised
    in MAP Report
  • A viable alternative exists and has better MCA assessment in all other aspects than cost which was not properly internalized in the project’s bill.
  • There is significant inconsistency in MCA route alignment comparison from 2011 and 2016 and MAP can not base its conclusion on these documents
  • The impact assessment was focused strictly on its ramification for those households that lie directly on the route, but failed to account for the expected health and economic impact on those who would end up living on the sides in immediate proximity of what is likely to be a busy motorway. This also accounts for significant landscape changes that have happened in the region since 2016.
  • No public consultations were held on final adopted route from 2016 and ESIA study public and the public hearing was restricted to presence of just few of affected people and sidelined by JPAC
  • Please be aware about multiple media news about EBRD client (JPAC) mishandling other route of Corridor Vc, especially Pocitelj bridge which is next to this route section
  • Issues with significant project effects on post Dayton returnees to the area were not addressed at all and this project is already burdened with more than 3 legal processes and additional EBRD registered compliance cases.
  • River valley route has significant hydrogeological environmental problems and another European NGO (Riverwatch )is working hard to bring this issue to attention. River Neretva with its tributaries is characterized as Europe Blue Heart and this current route will have a significant effect on biodiversity of the ecosystem of this region.
  • In addition to ongoing legal actions of our community members through the BiH judiciary system we also filed a Complaint to the UN Human Rights Council.

European integration places a strong emphasis on sustainable infrastructure development, and
Corridor Vc is a significant project in this regard. The findings of the IPAM EBRD report will not
only contribute to a better understanding of the ongoing initiatives but also serve as a
foundation for constructive dialogue and collaboration between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
European Union. We kindly request your esteemed office to actively engage with the relevant
stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, encouraging a thorough review and consideration of
the IPAM EBRD report’s recommendations. Furthermore, we urge the European Union to
continue supporting initiatives that prioritize environmental protection, social responsibility,
and sustainable development within the framework of Corridor Vc.

In conclusion, we appreciate your dedication to promoting European values in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and trust that your involvement will contribute to the realization of a Corridor Vc
that aligns with the highest European standards
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we remain hopeful for positive developments
and support from your office in the near future.We are available for discussion if there are any
additional questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,


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Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) provjerila je naše žalbe vezane za nepravilnosti na trasi Mostar jug – tunel Kvanj na koridoru VC i potvrdila da odabrana trasa nije u skladu s njihovim standardima.
Sada Vlada Federacije BiH, uz podršku EU i europskih javnih banaka, mora osigurati efikasan pravni lijek.

Više o tome možete proćitati u najnovijem izvještaju Bankwatch-a na ovome linku.